Tuesday, December 4, 2012

About Our Group

 Hi I’m Andy, and I first became interested in the food industry and its effects when I became vegetarian at age sixteen after coming across an article on the PETA website. Mind you, I am not a fan of PETA and I only skimmed the article, but my realization of what I was eating hit me with such intensity that I was able to turn my back on eating meat indefinitely. 
A few months later I decided to learn more about where our food comes from. Not only did my findings convince me to become vegan, but I also learned about the way food is manipulated to yield the most profits and how this leads to the horrible mistreatment of both animals and workers and how terribly detrimental it is to the environment and to our health.

Food holds a direct link to our vitality, which is why I think we should know what is in the food we eat, including GMOs, so that we can make better dietary choices.

Hello, my name is Jasmine and I am a foodie (aka: person who is passionate about food). I grew up in a household that made food together and believed that meal time was also family time. Years spent growing up in the kitchen with my mom and dad taught me that food wasn't just good for the body, but it was good for the soul. However, like most things, food has it's downsides (and dark sides) too. I began learning about the dark truths of food with my mom, who at the time was trying to point our family in a healthier direction. We began learning about the affects that pesticides, antibiotics, and , of course, GMO's have on the food we eat and ultimately, us. Around the same time my best friend, who was a vegetarian, shared with me paper she wrote on the use of factory farms. All of this new, and scary, information really put food into a whole new light to me and my family. I became a vegetarian for about a year (I had to start eating meat again for health purposes) and my family started choosing organic foods. Though my family and I are now much more conscious about our food choices, meal time is still family time and the kitchen is still making new, and healthier, memories.

Hi I'm Hannah. The first time I encountered my passion for whole food was when I was nine. It was the first time I had ever planted a garden. My step-dad and I turned part of our backyard into a vegetable garden and for the next two years we grew a lot of our own food. As a child I learned about how food is grown and I developed an appreciation for how long it took my carrots, tomatoes, butternut squash and lettuce to grow. I remember after months of care and love that I put into watering and feeding my plants, I was so excited to share my hard work with my family by making a salad, entirely from my garden, for dinner. A lot of the time, kids grow up not knowing where their food comes from beyond the shinny, packaged shelves of the supermarket. I was privileged enough to not only learn how food is grown, but also have the experience of growing it myself. Thats sort of where my food journey began.
When I was high school, I saw a movie called Food Inc. (which I highly recommend to everyone. I have posted a link to their website below. Seriously, you all should see it. It will open your eyes to how the food is produced in this country). After seeing Food Inc. I became a vegan, only eating organic and locally when possible. From that film I learned about the many dangers of GMOs and decided I didn't want to put those in my body. However, much to my dismay, without proper labeling, its darn near impossible to manage that in the Uniter States. When Prop 37 came around I was sure it was going to pass; everyone wants to know what they are eating!  I am sorry to say that I was wrong and Prop 37 did not pass. I hope that in the near future law in this nation will change and everyone will have the right to know what they are putting into their bodies.

Here is a link to the Food Inc. website. Check it out!

Hi I'm Jordan, and I try to pick healthy, non-genetically modified foods to eat. Growing up with chronic Lyme disease and hypoglycemia has forced me to be conscious of the foods I put into my body. That hasn't been hard, because from the day I was born, my family has always tried to eat organic foods, and that includes my first jar of baby food. Voting "yes" on Proposition 37 was a no-brainer for me, but I was upset when it didn't get passed. Consequently, I'm even more aware of GMOs, and will make sure to purchase organic foods whenever possible. I hope Americans will become more aware of the harms of GMOs, which include tumors and cancer according to research done by scientists in Europe.

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