Main Idea
Prop 37 is about more than food. It is about our right to know what we are buying and consuming. We can squabble about the actual benefits and downfalls of genetically modified foods but no one can deny that we all should have the power to choose. Without the mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods, we are all kept in the dark.
Some argue that there is no harm to genetic modification, and its fine if they think that way and don't mind putting that in their own and their families bodies. But for those of us who do care, we should have the option to remove ourselves from the science experiment.
While it has been proven time and time again that consuming GMOs can cause serious health problems, like aggression of existing allergies, onset of new allergies and high body toxicity, there are still many unknowns about the horrors that could arise. In lab tests done on rats, the consumption of GMOs lead to tumors, organ failure and premature death. Its no wonder when you consider that a huge portion of the genetic modification done on food is to make it internally produce insecticide, which means that we are consuming chemicals designed to kill.
In addition, to all of this, during the campaign for Prop 37, the companies that funded the No side were the ones who produce the chemicals and use GMO products to manufacture their food.
Here are some videos that further explain the benefits of Prop 37!
San Diego chefs talk about why whole food is important to them.
The video Monsanto (the largest funder of No on 37) does not want you to see
Here are some links to articles and petitions!
GMOs give rats tumors, organ damage and lead to premature death
The Huffington Post Hots a Debate about Prop 37
Petition to tell the FDA not to allow GMO salmon in the US
Ocean Roberts, an author and speaker for explains how Monsanto may have tricked California voters about Prop 37.
The full list of every endorsement of Prop 37
Visual Argument
The full list of every endorsement of Prop 37
Visual Argument
Hugh Grant is the CEO of Monsanto. He argues that the use of pesticides in GMOs allows for us to grow enough food for the entire world. If this were true, we would have fed everyone in the world many times over. This argument also ignores the fact that there are major health risks to consuming GMOs, as well as major health risks to those who grow and harvest the GMOs.
“The question of whether to label genetically engineered (GE) foods, as Proposition 37 would require, is not about science. Prop 37 is about people having the right to know what's in their food and how it was produced. It's about making competition in a free market - the hallmark of capitalism - more transparent," -Dr. Belinda Martineau, a a molecular geneticist who was principal scientist at Calgene, Inc. when they introduced the first genetically engineered food, the “Flavr Savr” tomato, in 1994
"Such labeling wouldn't result in siginificant increase in food costs, no matter what the industry tries to tell you. After all, food companies regularly change the labels in one way or another." - Los Angeles Times
-By Hannah
Originally I didn't care much about GMOs or the proposition, however after reading the links you posted and doing some research of my own I've actually found the topic quite intriguing. I found an interesting article here:
Since the invention of pesticide-resistant GMOs, farmers have been using weed killers on their crops. While this did initially get rid of a lot of pesky weeds, some of the more resistant ones started to thrive. Those weeds have now built an immunity to pesticides. As a result, farmers are increasing the amount of pesticides they dump on crops drastically, and as we know, pesticides are quite harmful to one's health. (The EPA has details on the health defects.
- Joseph LeGarreta